Cal Poly Ballroom is a community resource for participating in Ballroom dance and competition. From those without experience to advanced dancers, the team provides everyone a way to learn about ballroom dancing as a social and competitive sport. If you are interested in being part of the team or want to improve your dancing, stop by one of our lessons and check it out! We hope you’ll find dancing to be as much fun as we do!
Team Mission Statement
To promote and share Ballroom Dancing with the community of Cal Poly and the Central Coast through classes, workshops, dances, competitions, performances, and other social events; and to train students in the sport of competitive Ballroom Dancing (DanceSport) to represent Cal Poly at competitive events.
Different Aspects of Ballroom Club
Social: Beginner lessons, dances, community outreach, hangouts/socials Competition: Training/coaching, open practices, workshops, hosted competitions, away competitions Performance: Formation routines, shows (illuminate, etc.), public performances